Causes of psoriasis


Many people know about this common and unpleasant illness such as psoriasis. The disease is common among men and women of almost all ages. Often it is diagnosed by psoriasis, what is the disease in medical practice, and the children. The main symptoms are rashes in the form of rounded or oval spots on various parts of the body. In the advantage of cases of the disease that affects the skin. Most often, psoriatic plaques occur on the elbows, knees, palms, soles of the feet, growth of hair on the head, armpits, groin and the folds of the skin. However, the disease can affect not only in the dermis. There are types of disease that damage the joints (psoriatic arthritis) and nails (nail psoriasis) and even in the eyes.

Studies in psoriasis have been carried out for a very long time, but until the nature of the disease has not been explained. Some experts link the pathology with the work of the human immune system, others argue that the real causes of the disease is stress and excess emotional distress, others tend to believe in the appearance of the disease as a result of the violation of metabolic processes in the body. Theories of the disease are many, but none of them has a scientific knowledge. Exactly what is known is psoriasis, the causes of which currently remain a mystery, it refers to non-infectious inflammatory diseases of a chronic nature.

Theory of the origin of psoriasis

Causes of psoriasis is a very controversial issue today, not giving the rest of the world's scientists. Numerous laboratory and clinical studies are not able to provide scientific explanations of the development of the disease. All theories are only conjecture. In practice, they are confirmed up to a certain point. So, next the article will try to find an explanation for the development of diseases such as psoriasis from a scientific point of view. Causes of psoriasis, to date, explain the following theories:

  1. Immune.
  2. Hereditary.
  3. Endocrine.
  4. Virus.
  5. Neurogenic.
  6. Exchange.

All of them were developed on the basis of the aetiology and the pathogenesis of the disease is the result of years of research of psoriasis.

The theory immune

the theory immune

Scientists believe that the cause of the disease is directly related to the immune defense of the person. This theory is one of the most common and reliable to date. Representatives of this point of view, to argue that psoriasis occurs under the influence of such a thing as autoimmune aggression. This process is the result of the perception on the part of the cells of the immune system of the cells of the dermis as the aggressors. That is to say, the perception of'them as foreign bodies. the result of this response particles of the skin is badly inflamed and rejected. The rejection process usually begins in the following cases:

  • frequent friction of the skin;
  • burns;
  • abrasions, scratches, and other skin damage.

The study of psoriatic scales to biopsy allowed to detect in some antigenic complexes, while that in the blood there is a large amount of antibodies. In part, this confirms the linkage of disease with immunity, however, to demonstrate fully the theory to the practice, although it is not possible. It is believed that the disruption of the natural protection of a person can speak only one of the triggers of psoriasis.

The theory of the inheritance

The appearance of the psoriasis, it also explains the theory of linking it to genetic predisposition. The supporters of this point of view, to say that the main reason for the disease is a hereditary factor. In a nutshell, the disease is passed on from relative to relative through the blood.

The research in this area has shown that the cause of psoriasis may be genetic predisposition, since over 60% of all patients have family relatives who are also suffering from the disease. In addition to find the following characteristics:

  • if the psoriasis patient of parents, the probability of disease in a child can be a 25%;
  • in this case, when the erupting periodically suffer from both parents, the risk increases by more than half, and the 75%.

Genetics of the theory to date, however, and has some confirmation in practice is fundamental. In many cases, the complaints of the patient in order to help more of the inheritance it is worth noting the combination of a number of other provoking factors of the disease.


the endocrine theory

This theory suggests that the causes of psoriasis can go to a hormonal imbalance in the body. After having studied carefully the pathology, scientists have come to believe that the pathologically rapid process of cell division of the dermis of the person when the disease is associated with a hormonal imbalance. Most of the times these errors occur in consequence of various diseases of the endocrine system. Can be pathology of the thyroid gland, the pancreas and the pituitary. Also the possible causes hormonal failure can be the following of the human condition:

  • pregnancy;
  • ovulation;
  • the taking of certain medications hormonal.

In practice, the doctors noted a significant worsening of the disease in this period. However, despite this relationship and the supposed confirmation of the theory in practice, basic and proven, without thinking.


Causes of psoriasis for a very long time associated with the transfer of the diseases of viral nature, as well as with the presence of focus of chronic inflammation in the body. This theory is based on the facts that it was during the course of the disease, caused by a virus, psoriasis significant acute. There are also cases of a first appearance of psoriasis during the disease of aetiology of viral. Refutes the theory that, as a result of these diseases significantly weakens the human immune system, which can also be associated with the development of psoriasis. In addition it is a known fact that psoriasis is not transmitted from person to person, consequently, this theory has no confirmation from a medical point of view.



Representatives of this point of view, to argue that psoriasis often happens in the nervous system. Neurogenic theory postulates that the causes of psoriasis is directly related to the psychosomatic state of the person. This point of view is one of the most young and not proven in practice. Explains the theory of the evolution of the disease and the presence of the following human condition:

  • stress;
  • excessive concerns and concerns;
  • sleep disorders;
  • only exhaustion.

As a result of such violations of a person observes a neurosis of the blood vessels, causing their constriction and as a result, the flow of blood to the tissues of the dermis. This failure facilitates the development of the body psoriatic lesions of a different nature.

According to the statistics collected in the twentieth century, a higher percentage of people with some kind of pathology, a precursor of the disease was stress.

The theory of the exchange

Causes of psoriasis and its treatment today is a very current topic. That appears to psoriasis? This question torments not only patients, but also doctors. A theory of the metabolic alterations associated with the development of the pathology with violation of the metabolic functions of the body. In long-term studies of the disease and many laboratory tests have found a few characteristics that connects all of our patients. The data obtained give reason to believe that the cause of psoriasis lies in dysfunction of metabolic processes. So what's common:

  1. Of the violation of metabolic processes indicates the body temperature of patients below normal.
  2. In the body of patients show an increase in the levels of cholesterol and other negative substances that in a healthy person are shown in a natural way.
  3. An imbalance of vitamins. In all the patients with pathology of group b vitamins and the deficiency. However, the vitamin C, on the other hand, to excess.

Exchange theory, however, has some confirmation in the practice, not officially approved.

The factors that cause the disease

In conclusion, we should highlight a series of factors that can not only cause disease, but much to aggravate it. Therefore, what triggers psoriasis, we will see below.

Spiritual causes of psoriasis

Often the appearance of psoriasis associated with stress and anxiety. To exclude complications, doctors recommend to limit excessive fatigue, strong nervous tension and situations that may cause stress.

Diseases of infectious nature


To cause the primary to the progression of the disease and its complications are able to chronic inflammatory diseases. To avoid these bad consequences, it is recommended to timely treat the infection, do not start the disease, to ask for medical assistance.


Causes of psoriasis in women is often associated with pregnancy. It was during this period, the body observed strong hormonal changes. Every expectant mother suffering from the disease, they are forced very attentive to their health. Preventive measures include timely prenatal visits, avoidance of stressful situations, a proper diet, avoid habits that are harmful, such as the adherence of the day.

Injuries and damage to the skin

The causes of the disease are often found in the chemical mechanical damages of the dermis. Several burns, wounds, scratches and other small injuries can be a factor that provoked the disease. Also the disease can develop because of the effect on the skin of chemical products. For example, various detergents. The people dealing with this kind of material, the doctors recommend to wear protective equipment.

Bad habits


Also it turned out to be a significant negative impact of bad habits in the course of the disease. The use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs is aggravated by psoriasis. This is explained by the relationship effects of bad habits on the immune system of the patient.

The use of certain medications

A drug can bring not only benefits, but also the bad. In psoriasis, the use of these medications such as some types of antibiotics, Immunostimulants, vitamin complexes may cause a malfunction of the immune system. The result is a complication of the disease.

A poor diet

The man from the daily diet can also cause the development of the pathology and its considerable complications. Patients who suffer a disease or have a predisposition to the disease is very important to control your diet. Of meals, it is recommended to avoid fatty, spicy, fried, smoked is too salty dishes. Nutritionists recommend to give preference to foods that are steamed and cooking method. The table must be a sufficient amount of fruits and vegetables, dairy products.

Thus, the causes of psoriasis are diverse. To cause the disease to be able to many factors. But I don't think that psoriasis is a sentence. Timely treatment, responsible attitude in your body, the adjustment of the mode of day and feed, allow you to deal with the disease and avoid complications in the future.